Room to Grow Children's Charity

Family Support Spotlight - Room To Grow

Mini Ruby is delighted to partner with Room to Grow, a non-profit family-focused organization dedicated to birth and parenting support and coaching. Room to Grow’s program combines three proven forms of family support: personalized parent coaching, free baby items, and connections to community resources. 

Through Mini Ruby's Revive Trade-In Program, we are donating your generous donations to family and children's charities for babies and children in need. Room to Grow's unique program is more that just providing clothing donations and provides the critical coaching and help new and young parents need from first time pregnancies through the toddler years.

We understand all too well the ups and down of pregnancies, complications throughout, feeding, sleep training and the support that we require as new parents. Room to Grow provides the critical care and support through a programmatic approach to ensure parents can access the support that they need.

We outline Room to Grow's program here:

Room to Grow Supports Families During Their Child's Critical Early Years

Room to Grow believes that all parents should have the resources they need to unlock their families' potential and raise healthy babies and children that thrive in their communities. Families in Room to Grow's program develop strategies to promote their children's development, select baby items and clothing for their child, and connect with other local organizations and community resources that can expand their support network.

Program Structure

13 Visits Over 3 Years
Families start their program during the last trimester of pregnancy. From there, families meet one-on-one with program staff every three months until their child turns three. Each visit is two hours long and is held at one of their Family Centers in Boston or New York.

Baby Items 
Pick out clothes, books, toys, and other items

Parenting Support
Discuss parenting questions with program staff and connect with community resources

Child Development
Develop strategies to support the child’s growth and development

Mini Ruby is delighted to partner with Room to Grow and to donate your Revive submissions to this wonderful organization and to families in need. We encourage you to learn more about Room to Grow and to volunteer and get involved in your local charities in your own communities.

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